Saturday, 18 January, 2025

Business Promotion Partners

The valuable investment opportunities that can be found in financial markets are not well known and are often misunderstood by the wider public. In order to grow awareness and knowledge around investing and financial products, ALTX works with partners.

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Business Promotion Partners are individuals and corporations who believe in the ALTX mission of growing financial inclusion and are able to teach others how to utilise the market to reach their goals. In turn, Business Promotion Partners are compensated for every new investor brought on to the ALTX ecosystem via a revenue-sharing agreement with ALTX.

Business Promotion partners use our custom COMAS platform in order to sign up new investors and monitor their progress. The platform is also the open and transparent avenue by which ALTX and our partners can monitor progress for the revenue sharing agreement.

Business Promotion Partners can either be registered as Agents or Super-agents.

What are Agents?

Agents are individuals or companies who will work to educate people in their community about investing, financial products and how ALTX services can help them meet their goals.

What are Super-agents?

An individual or company with a large network of collaborators can partner with ALTX as a super-agent. Super-agents form an organisation with a group of agents under them. Super-agents and agents work together to share information about investments and financial market opportunities. Agents register new ALTX investors on behalf of the bigger super-agent organisation.

For instance, a bus company with several branches in bus parks around the country may register as a super-agent. Each individual location would then be an agent. Each investor registered by an agent is a part of the larger super-agent organisation and benefits the organisation as a whole.

How to become an ALTX Business Promotion Partner.

Anyone who believes in the ALTX mission can become an ALTX agent. It is free and straightforward to do so. All you will need is to fill out an agency application, there are no hidden conditions, fees or minimums.

If you are interested in working with ALTX in order to bring investment education and opportunities to people in your community, kindly fill in the agent application form and review the terms and conditions. You can return the form to us via email ( We will then discuss how you can act as an ALTX agent, and confirm the details of the partnership.